Building a Strong Community of Equestrians

SWDEA: Promoting Dressage and Eventing in
North Florida & South Georgia

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Unleash Your Passion for Equestrian Sports in North Florida

Welcome to South Wind Dressage & Eventing Association (SWDEA, pronounced “swee-dah”)! Our organization is dedicated to promoting equestrian sports in North Florida and South Georgia. We focus on dressage, eventing, and show jumping but we also embrace all facets of horsemanship. We take pride in our unwavering commitment to fair competition, education, and the growth of the sport in the Southeast Region.

Whether you’re a seasoned rider or just getting started, our team is here to support you on your equestrian journey. Become a member of our vibrant community of fellow equestrian sports enthusiasts and join our events.   

Check out our upcoming events.

Mahan Farm - Beat the Heat Event Sign UpVolunteer for Mahan Farm Event
SWDEA Sanctioned Shows: Volunteer Hours do not count towards your 4 hour membership requirement.
However, all of our local shows LOVE and NEED your help!
Current SWDEA Volunteer HoursSWDEA CALENDAR

President's Message

As many of you know, Maryann Kinney resigned as SWDEA president recently, to focus on important family issues.  Trudy Innes Richardson was installed as President, and Maisie Wagner as Vice President.  We also added Sarah McKusick Mills to the Board as Cross Country Coordinator, with Lexi Weaver as her apprentice.

First, your restructured Board would like to thank Maryann for her years of service to SWDEA and her hours of hard work.  She poured herself into the organization, and we will miss her.

Second, I’d personally like to thank the Members and the Board for all the support you give to SWDEA.  It is only because of the continued hard work and dedication of EACH of you that the organization continues to flourish.

Lastly, let’s look forward to ending the show year with a great turnout in November and a celebration of our accomplishments at the Banquet on January 18, 2025.

Kick on, everyone!  ~ Trudy

Our Mission

The mission and purpose of SWDEA, a 501(c)(3) organization, shall be to promote activities directed toward a better understanding of dressage, eventing, and horsemanship.

Read the By-Laws